The Stasis Foundation
Organ Stasis
Enabling Texas Transplant Medicine
More About Organ Stasis
How did Stasis get its name?
Generally, the term "stasis" is defined broadly as a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. We put our heads together and came up with definitions of STASIS as encompassing all of the following:
1. Emergency medical biostasis
2. Life support systems
3. Organ donation
4. No deterioration
5. No loss of vitality
6. Removing the limits of time and space that presently stand between
those in need and those who want to help them.
7. Organ cryopreservation and tissue banking for medical usage
8. Organ cryopreservation and tissue banking for scientific research
9. Biochemical preservation of tissue for medical usage
10. Biochemical preservation of tissue for scientific utilization
11. Emerging methods of generating states of stasis
12. Deep Space exploration
13. Suspended Animation as in the original NASA program
14. Immunity from change over time
This seemed like the perfect name for our website so we are OrganStasis.org. Dr. Gregory Fahy, who works tirelessly for critically needed improvements in the preservation of organs, put the words together for us in a way that made perfect sense. We at OrganStasis.org are honored to serve our community and the great state of TEXAS by raising awareness, educating people and helping to register everyone to become Organ Donors.
Our mission is saving lives!